Update 12/22

12/22 Testing and Preparation

The server and client have been undergoing heavy testing and almost finished. I thought we would release RC2, but it was a good thing we didn't; we are currently at RC5 on both the client and server. This Release Candidate (5) should be the one to release if the final test all goes well. Once testing is finished, we will release, no warning, so be prepared at anytime for release! (check back daily!)

Client Bug Fixes

Here's what's fixed

+ removeServerThings() did not call ResetUILabelsDictionaryValue(), ResetUILabelText(), and SetTriangleLabelsColor(); [Fixed; awaiting testing]

+ disconnect button on the gamescreen panel would be positioned incorrectly, or not appear [Fixed; awaiting testing]

Here's what's (currently) left to fix

+ Client will disconnect after 5 seconds of joining if server is on localhost. (Waiting on 3rd Party)

Server Bug Fixes

Here's what's fixed

+ Server marks host as player to answer question [Fixed; awaiting testing]

+ Server doesn't tell client that it's their turn [Fixed; confirmed working]

+ failtowarn sends to target [Unconfirmed; not essential]

+ Server crashes if 2 players warn or kick at the same time. [Fixed; awaiting testing]

+ Fixed selectPlayer is undefined

+ Fixed issue when currentPlayer disconnects in-between answer selection, a random client will be emitted answerQuestion, even if the cutscene isn't over.

+ Fixed issue where server would crash when currentPlayer left in-between answer cutscene

+ Fixed issue where server would emit answerQuestion to currentPlayer even if the round was ended.

+ Fixed issue where server would emit answerQuestion to currentPlayer even if the round was ended, Part 2

Here's what's (currently) left to fix

Nothing yet! :)

no screenies

Open Beta hopefully soon! (check in here)